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Fox Sports Web Site Compromised


Threat Type: Malicious Web Site / Malicious Code

Websense Security Labs™ ThreatSeeker™ Network has detected that the Fox Sports site has been compromised and injected with malicious code. Fox Sports is a division of the Fox Broadcasting Company. It specializes in the latest sports news and world sports updates. Fox Sports has an Alexa ranking of 330.

Our research shows that the site has been injected with two pieces of malicious code. One of them is the latest Gumblar campaign, and the other redirects individuals to a malicious Web site, whose link was unreachable at the time of this alert.

The ThreatSeeker Network has detected that thousands of Web sites have been compromised by the latest Gumblar campaign. The Gumblar page is highly obfuscated. After deobfuscation, the page uses PDF and Flash exploits to run malware in order to control a victim's computer. In addition, a piece of VBScript is executed to download malware.

Screenshot of Fox Sports Web site: 


Screenshot of malicious injected code: 


Websense Messaging and Websense Web Security customers are protected against this attack.