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Isuzu Turkey Web Site Compromise


Threat Type: Malicious Web Site / Malicious Code

Websense Security Labs™ ThreatSeeker Network has discovered that the official Isuzu Web site in Turkey has been injected with a malicious iframe redirector. Isuzu is one of the well-known Japanese commercial vehicle and truck manufacturing companies, particularly in the Asian and European regions.

Screenshot of the site and the iframe: 


The ThreatSeeker Network has found thousands of sites compromised by a similar attack strategy.

At the time of writing, the iframe redirector's target URL was unreachable. The redirector itself is still present, however, offering continued infection risk if the malicious Web server comes back up, or if it is replaced by another malicious server. Further investigation indicates that the IP address hosting the target URL hosts other malicious sites, as well. Screenshot of the other malicious content ThreatSeeker has been tracking from the same IP address. 


Websense® Messaging and Websense Web Security customers are protected against this attack.