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Sunkist Web site: Mass Injection


Threat Type: Malicious Web Site / Malicious Code

Websense® Security Labs™ ThreatSeeker™ Network has discovered that a Sunkist site is infected with a mass JavaScript injection that delivers a malicious payload. The reporting page on the Sunkist NewsLINK site contains malicious JavaScript code that loads malicious payloads from nine different hosts. Sunkist is a popular drink in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and other parts of the world. (Please refer to the Sunkist entry on Wikipedia).

It is interesting to see how such attacks prevail over reputed Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Clients (B2C) Web sites, because they target their peers, their own users, and other visitors.

Screenshot of the infected site:

Screenshot of the infected site's source:

Websense Messaging and Websense Web Security customers are protected against this attack.